I know I know..its been ages since my last post..blame my new job on this! hahahhaha...seriously yours truly was superb busy lately..Soo now..keje pun dah boleh cope so I can start blogging back. Butttt...i've lost my camera few months back! sedih sangat..and now still berusaha mengumpul duit dan
Owhhh this camera is soooooooo me...hahahaha. I've tons of story to tell u'olls so stay tune and standby ;-). Oh ye saya ada satu lagu yg saya suke banget deh..catchy la lagu ni lirik pun best..Tajuk lagu CINTA MAMPUS MATI 2 penyanyi: Mulan Jameela & Mitha . Tajuk lagu je dah bikin wa goyang! time chorus mmg best..Meh saya intro sket
Cinta mati harus dijaga sampai mati
Jgn Sampai Ke lain hati
Nanti Jadinya patah hati
Hati-hati menjaga hati...Mata Hati. ;-)
Klau rajin cari video klip die kat YouTube! superb..
See ya!