Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I'm Married : )

Hi People,

I'm so sorry for the late update. Yours truly had a really hectic day since dah jadi wife orang sgt la busy kan hehehe. Btw as all you know, YES! i'm officially married now, tak percaya? ye lah badan still slim cam single ye ahahaha amacam ada rupe Erra Fazira x muke saya dalam pic tu..x pe cam Fazura pun x pe la..hehe..just kidding

Ok now saya nak reveal sape plak my husband yang sgt bertuah wah macam aku artis hokey hehehe..Husband saya ialah seorang lelaki yang saya kenal since my my high school! bkn high school musical ye.

Meet the fockers..silap meet my husband


alamak die tutup muka sbb hensem sgt!..lagi sekali taraaa

Hello sayang : ) i love you Mohd Ismail Noordin

Nikah Date : 12 March 2011

Venue : Puchong Prima.

Official Photographer : GreenApple Design & Photography

Official Videographer : Myshots Wedding

I love the nikah day. Alhamdulillah semuanya berjalan seperti dirancang. Everything was perfect tho!Thank you so much pada semua yang terlibat. I will remember every moment on my nikah day for the rest of my life!

Owh my nikah video highlight pun superb! (to me la ye). segan plak nak tunjuk kat sini : )

The next day 13 March 2011 kami bersanding di kayangan

itu nanti citer...

berdoalah semoga saya ada masa nak update lagi

see ya